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The Black Hills Daily Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 2

The Black Hills Daily Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 2

Deadwood, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

itv-ft mtdiuv Ktt INfl PRB. 1 7. tlLAPR IIXXjIS 7 w-ra, -a 1 I ITulLCIl ITEMS. wyi tbat Ojltkbv sad Slii ly were kill Splnk coiiaty bill dti tbe ground tbsl TELEGRAPH. TltinTEKS UB Ktll.KD New Glu.gow,N..,Fcb.

11 -About 13 o'clock last night a violeul xplu. sum occurtd at tbe Vale Colliery, in the now slope being sunk at Mclilan M-nui, aud fi iinea in tbe burning ma earns rushing up the main stupe- J. WERTHHEiMER, Grand Clearing EI "Ku TS BULLION BILL. Introduced la the Legislature by smart gtslator from one of the Rural District. Other Important Hatten of LegUtatlon.

Bumarck, Feb. 18, 1885. MClAl to tbS TUSSSS Hutchinson, of Nation county, today Introduced la the house bill prof id- i. .1.. I wg iot cent, (presumably upon tbe gross earn in mm uf ml nea.

KD.l one Def Cnt Of wblcb will go to tbe territory, and two per cent to tbe county in wbicb tbe mines or mlolog properties sre located, Mr. Uutcbineoo, bating made a cai-aai. savs be feels assured tbat tbe bill will pass kiii tn rhnin the olace lor saw holding tbe United OiaiCB wun vim i urn I TaokK to Mitchell bes been referred to special committer, and tbe vole npon lu reference Indicates tbat it will put. Tbe bill appropriating $30,000 lor hm1 nt minea ai RaDid Citv was re committed, ocmbinalion haying been mmAm to consider all appropriation bills of thU character in their relation to each other. I I 5 J.

REMNANTS! REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS, REMNANTS OF SILKS, REMNANTS OF SATIN, REMNANTS OF VELVET REMNANTS OF TABLE LINEN, REMNANTS OF NAPKINS, I 11 fl.u Aa soon ai poamuie juuu vuo-m al Ibu maiu, descended the Hal but waa lina'mi gei near fiheuienio the untie, ol wboir. .1 i kUpl'OaeU lUeru cru uukui uiuitvu iu ie oil al the time "'I me unamrr. Afu sevetel ffina the reaming pnrty tuccelui lu reaching a party ui men, aeveral io number. Tbey were brought to tbe amtace, aid are all live, lib the exception "i a lew mu- ng bruise, uoii jiired. Later on, and shortly belore daylight, thiee bodies fi uou and urougui up.

aii meuurtcs, ine In number, were allied ouingui. Thentv-tw men were In the colliery at tbe time of the explosion snd thirteen perished Tbe otbera were taken out alive, some of their badly injured. ME KILLED ARE: Hugh 8. Cameron, pump engine driver; Pbilip M. Betb, atablcmsn; Join A.

Campbell, deputy ovcrmsn DauIcI Kennedy, Neil McKinnon, rhuraaa ltvan. Patrick Foley, Jhn Grant, John W., D.miel McNeil ames llaggaity, J. mes an dean, anu John McE tcberan, miners. The rescued sre: James ltooerison, arm fractured and some parts of the body badly burned: Robert Love, verely burned; I nomas uuinro, Allan McDonald, Willtan MiDmald, John Campbell, and Hugn Lamont, slight biuiei and burns; D.

Adams and Alexander Held unirjured. WILSON RESCUED. London Feb. 10. A dispatch Irom K'Tl, dated Febuary 0, says: Lord Buresford returned in safety Irom Gubat.

bringing with him Colonel Wilson and party, wbo were stranded ac is and some distanen up me Nile, wbile returning fn Khartoum irnera Wolseley mm Brackenhurvrepoits rom Duika Island about seventy miles above Msrawi, tht Erie's ATTACK WAS WELL PLANNFD and gtllantly executed, it is expected the effect will be to open the way to Berber without further fighting. Tbe rebels held a high ridge on the razor backed bills. Six compaoies of tbe black watch and six companies ot the Stafford regtmems marched around the high ridge ot bills, entirely turning tbe enemy's position, which was then attacked from tbe rear. Tbe enemy was not very great in point ot numbers, hut his position was very s'rong and difficulty of sccess. Tbiy fought with the rat determined oravery.

Eirle was among tbe foremost in tbe attack, and bit fall was tbe cause ol deeD lament from every officer and man on the lorce. Weather Beport The following is tbe Times weekly weather renort. ending on Feb. 14, 1885, as repoit id for us by the signal service: REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES AND Remnants OF ALL KINDS OF GOOD8. Pettlgrew introduced a bill taxing buy bruised; Jobn aaWKina.

gt-rallroada three per cent o- their groas verely mj in spine; Peter Oisun, VmrtZn. which is to be In lieuol "iK'1 Joha slfo.rduCreB" These Qooda must be Closed Out and will be Sold ot About Half their value. This is no discount dodge, a call will con-uince the most skepVcal. I would also like lues spaa nu uw, stock. (This, as we unaerstana is not tn lieu of landed properties be- longing to th.

r.llroi onmpanieain the territory, but which, if tbe bill be-1 cornea a law. will be taxed the same as Other propertT of the same class and v'. Freaa teaiarek A private letter was received from a wellhnown citizen at the capital, yet terdar, stating that the tax law as pass- ad, applies only to tbe preaeot year, and tbat tba new tax law to be adopt ed, will probably make April lei as to call the attention of tne pjouo to ovi a inspect mam. public to my large stock Thanking you for past fa- of Housefurnishing vors and soliciting a Goods, such as continuance of Carpets, the same I am respectfully, data ffi ftK M. J.

WERTHHEIMEE. ou outrigbl Mi.d C-ij a ii Ha ba'l U'gatiiil in lin bunt iu'ni ii mm bllcthe tlireo i.lllrt-ra were riutng at be brad ol a party armed mm. tlx, 'I WM4 tU'lllt'My HIUIIIKIK'U. ll iiivm runmra pr ivn uue a Initio ir. uai (jf.vj tiillowe but no contlf i.j 1.

1 uYlntla litiii to bu obtainable Tbu telcplione wire to p-'iots err uot working. A lieraiili trum tullu myt 'iptain IUIi I. It Du re rl) twi'UlV UM'U to 4Cur Dimmit Cmniy, and notblntt linn Ui lic.r It'Mii bun. Tlitrt la Krcat anX'i-iy Ibf IwiuYr, awnit niliiwii Hie exiHUitiona. ine itui bg nge'iu the Miners ia iuteuae.

Gen. Earle waa killed. Jobn Kelly goes South. Hendricks la in Indiana. Intensely cold last week.

Speaker Carlisle Is much better. Iowa railroads were block aded Total cotton crop S.CCO.OJO bules. Bayard can be secretary of state. Montana cuttle Is wintering well. Davenport, Iowa, has a crematory.

Tbe British want to catch the Mabdi d. Swalm's second court martial is un der way. Cabinetmakers accord two places to New York. The dvnnm iters have made threats against Parnell. Plenty snow and no end to the block adeslut week.

Cleveland attended Gov. Hill's first oRlciul reception. John W. Garrett is to have a monu ment in Baltimore. North Carolin.

legislature suppresses immoral literature. Col. Morrow Is to be reprimanded by tbe secretary of war. Ad old negro was frozen to death at Detroit during the storm. Northern Montana Indians are to have a permanent reservation.

Three aeed and demented women were burned to death near Monticello, 111. The Catholic bishop. Gross, of Savan nab, Ga. has been appointed archbishop of Oregon. The old Winnebaco Indian reserva tion in Dakota is to be thrown open for settlement Prof.

II. C. Stone, of the Dakota Bap- tlst. college at bloux ails, died ol ty. pbold fever.

The British covernment officially de clares tbat it will sanction whatever Wolseley does. A Dortion of Fish Bros. wa gon works at Racine, were de stroyed by nre At Sbelbwille. 111., three moons were seen In tue sky one nignt last weeK alarming many persons. Secretary McCulloch has quietly funded the Pacific railroad sinking fund in United States 4 per cents.

John Moxner robbed a Ealoon at Philadelphia, and beat a 7-montbs old child of the proprietor so severely that it died The closing of tbe mills at Manayun1" has caused great destitution among the persons thrown out ol em ployment The church row at Valley City is settled for the present, and Messrs. Root and Peake are held for action by tbe graud jury. President Adnras informs Secretary Teller tbat the Union Pacific is ready witb cash for a settlement with the government. Tbe Michigan legislature has a bill liefore it to nrevent children from ac quiring tbe habit of using tobacco. It is sure to work.

Jones Island, Milwaukee, was flood ed, waves from tbe lake sweeping the district and driving tbe people to places of safety. At Springfield, 111, the republican members of the legislature refused to vote for senator, and the democrats went it alone on Morrison. Mrs. Dudley's counsel entered claim that Kossa had publicly stated that he would not prosecute and asked that his client be released. F.

Baum, connected with the great cotton swindle in Texas a year ago, and who forfeited his bond of was arrested at Chatham, Unt, and will be extradited. One Bernard, who Hied a negro at New Orleans and was arrested in Cut cago, but later escaped, died Jan. 9 Kingston, Ont, and tbe remains were identified Indiana's senate has a bill before it for the disfranchisement of any one who uses corrupt influence at elections, besides being punished tiy nne and im prisonment At Shreve, Ohio. Laura Chester re jected Wilbur I'eteri' proffered love, and when leaving the skating rink Pe ters fatally shot the girl and then blew out bis brains. For making appointments last De ceniber In onrtosttion to court man.

dates, ex Mayor Edson. of New Yor was sentenced for contempt to fifteen days' imprisonment and One. A boiler explosion at the Trenton mine near Pottsville. fatally injur ed two men. A portion of tbe boiler went through a bouse sixty yards away, severely wounding an infant in its cradle.

M. Dudgeon cut his throat near iiammondsviue, K.y., because oi griei at the demise of his child snd witb his wife also lying at the point of death. The three bodies were Interred in one coffin. A detective of tbe Mexican revenue department who attempted to seize tbe stock of a trader at Jalisco for selling unstamped cigarettes was doused In a fountain, tarred and feathered, and driven through the streets to the music of a band. Mrs.

niram Atkins eloped from Norwich, Ohio, with Emanuel Porter. 1 he residence was found blazing a little later, and In tbe ruins were found the remains of Mr. Atkins and his two children by a former wife. The fugi- tive parties are wanted. f.

tue qiK'tiloo it uoi to no suiituiiii'u to iue voters ia we ciuuty, uuv umj MjoiM la that oorti iue couuiy which goes io form 0rfl.ld couuty. Tk Create) CaleMsUfjr. Dei Moines, ipucial: A special tele gram Iroul C'resloo glee the details of tne accident wlilou bappeued to Ui regular west-bound jjaaseuKor train on tbe Chicago, llucUuKtou Quitcv riltd rttcuily. rtsuhiotf io inaiaut Utalh ai pkviiKr auu be of a Urge number ot oilier. Tue traiu Dolled out ol Cromwall, asuiall tUtiuu weal ol Crealou, ou lime, aud it uered a long Mid bub trestle wura a nils and a half weal a broken rail threw tbe smoking car Irom tbe truck aod It went bumping upon ibe tinners of ma brlil ee.

crushing tbe structuie aod precipitating iwo coacuea auu a sleeper in toe stream, oeiow. juu ut thought of tbe engineer that tbere bad been a UiTlllon in Die train, waa mui- ed br tb escaping from ibe patent m. tie stopped Die engine iai ouix, aud wben be turned bis bead bi eyes oebeld tbe most terrible sigut. Men were women crying ana children sDeecbles witb terror No man could picture witb pen miul could picture TBI KB BIBLE 6PBCTICLB Tue amoker waa upturned, it wheels rapidly turning In tbe air, ao alao waa ibe Oral coacb, wbile tbe sleeper run eheal over tbe brink ana ngoieu (binv-flre feet below, fortunately rigbt aide up. Tbe engine weut lo Prebcoii and at once leleirrapnea to nuperiuieu lent J.

Dagan, wno save lb alarm a. inr nuiu ui hii mi tuv ir train I ait wut'V uiwib wrack to reacue tbe killed and wounded. TBB VICTIMS. Tbe killed are: H. Brown, Mount Pleasant; C.

B. Brown, Mount Piets- int: Hra. C. W. Carroll.

Uenrer; Ura. William Bartey, Lincoln, lauiab Walerinao, Corning; Mrs. M. Ferrell huy Injur- ed i. W.

Fogg, ticket agent, Creaiou, (jrestoq, baaty oruieeu auu arm re ported broken; w. J. uiTenpon, Burltojlon. left bip and back aeriounly jV ired; Mmim. Mouot Pleaaani, ngbtleg aoo l0l.

cut jorga Carey, Ouiaba, trav- eling for Pddock, Haw ley sit. Louis. seTerely injured in tbfbipa Mr H. Dav. Burlington.

shoulder dis hicabrd and severely hurt in the back James Tbtima. Corning, lowa, severe- hruiaed about tbe bead and lace Mia. Fitcb. Tbsver, Iowa, severely in jure Li. uuroll iormeruj ui Uta Sloluea ana urcenuciu, cu iuu lor Denver, witb wife, laialty hurt, tbe Liter bnnff killed outngut; L.

C. Feasler, Monroe. I iwa. traveliug for a allgbtly injureai iu. VAWietio, iraTi- Init for F.

A. Drew of tit. Uls inland in the back O. D. Haoderaon iigbl.ud, Kent, land, lett arm broken and severely cut abut tbe race; C.

11. Hrte, Pull- tgum ou of Qnai j. irev- ior Ueckford a rancis, new York. cut in tbe head: Joseph Powell Lincoln, Neb, son Mrs. William Buriey, severely irjurwi; E.

H. Cow-les, Gibbons, njured io the shoul der and internally; Nicholas Alien Cromwell, iniured in tbe btck and es; A. Ltndaey, Urestoo, prooaniy in lurwl fiHllv: Brakeman C. 11. Finch i i.

I Lt .1 ureatoo, oauiy oruiaeu uimcui Rnhhlna. Creatoo. menuy nun. Tbe killed and lnjurea were wkbu i Creston to tbe Bummu nouse wnun three hours after tbe accident occurred PriHitila are arriving Hourly, in mkiQ ine wjn be cleared and repaired as soon as possible AVTKB TUB BTOBM. BXMOVIKO THE BL0CK1DK.

Chicago, Feb. 12. A dispatch ssys: Tbe moderation of the weather ves- teraay provea a irumui ioy.u u. versaUon, and a welcome boon to all clssaes of people. Toe mercury in the thermometer rose no lees than twenty.

to tbe ret lei 01 inousanas 01 men wuu were engaged in shoveling snow from railroad tracks. The drifts surrounding Chicaso are still very heavy, tbe soow falling into the roadbeds about as quick as it is removed. Tbe accompanying statement relative to tbe roads resumed business. Tbe Michigan Central, for instance, which baa practically been out ot tbe market lor several days, resumed tbe running ol passenger trains last evening, sending out all its trains nearly on scbedult time. Tbls road expecta to more me of its freight trains today.

Tbe Like Shore and Fort Wayne Roads proved valuable connections with tbe Eat. tbe former line beginins; tbe movement ol its Ireigbt trains at 2 o'clock Ibis mom ing. Tbe Chicago and Grand Trunk Rad expects to be ready for passenger traffic today, the two trains that have been blocked at Valparaiso FOR fEVIBAL DATS lesvlog tbere tor Chicago at 1 :35 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Louisville and Cincinnati were but poorly provided with connections with Chicago at last account. The Panhandle took out a train Tor Indianapolis Louisville last evening, hot it carried no eleepiog-cirs.

Tbe Alton Read improved iu condition yesterday, resuming business and taking out all Its regular trains, carry, ing at tbe same time the Illinois en tral and Burinsrton's passengers tor Si. Louis, so tbe passengers ot tbe New Albany Road wbo bad intended going to New Orleans by way of Louisville. The Etokakee line brought la a passenger train at 10 o'clock last ever, ing that lett Indianapolis at 'clock. 8undav night. The train returned at once to Indianapolis and Cincinnati.

leeeir Weak la Texas San Antonio, Tex, Feb. 11. rumor is current tbls evening that Sheriff Ogleaby, Capta. Hall and Sbely were killed and several citizens wound in Dimmit County by Mexican marauders who recroesed the Rip Qrande with an increased lorce I ues- oay night to avenge tbe death of their fnnrtMui nunradea killed near Carriso Spring last week. Another report IVm't forget tbe skating nd dance party tiiilgbt (lucidaj) at llie blmp ii Grdur liuk.

bkallug Irom 7 to 10. Dabciog alier. Owirgu Muuroc, attorney-at law, returned lo ai yesterday iuruiug from tbe Itul.ycamp, to wbicb be made a tuisiutss trip aud remained aeveial duy. At 5 o'clock, Hundsy ni'irning. the Hvu niotiiliiuldr.Ll.d ol Mr.

and Mra. EJuiond lleaupre waa given no asdead by ii olber and relatives. It died in ptsui, snd Its little face waa far from being lo a state of como. Latest report was tbat tbe luneral would lake place at tbe residence at 8 p. m.

today. At the Simpson A Gardner roller rink, Central, will be held tonight (Tuesday) another ot those pleatant kallng snd dancing parties, wbicb are comie.g SO popular. saaiiDR will cumuiecce at 7 o'clock continuing uutil 10, alter which dinciog ua long as Ue.ired. Tickets $1, skates 125 cents xtrs. At the ball of tbe Knights of Pyth iai.

wbicu will ne given io central vu tbe 19ib Professor Skill, ol Dead wood will furnish music, snd tbe an licipatlons are tbat it will be a most ei i) able uffiir. A grand supper will tie given at tbe Metropolitan restaurant, under tue management ot E. -ibanojn. It reported that tbe McMillan Bros, wbo bave tbe management of tbe North Star mine, s.tuated in tbe Ruby camp, bave struct it nco in uruuv ind native silver. They sunk a sbalt 13 leet deep and struck it lu drifting in sbalt at Ibe head of their open cut, wbicb is 175 feet.

Tbe ore assays from 75 to 500 ouuees to tbe ton. Early Sunday morning Mrs. Josiah Gerrans, age 87 of Terravtlle, died ol a continuous attack Bright' disease of tbe kidneys, which tbe deceased has neen a sufferer ot for a number ol nonihs. Tbe (uneral will take place 1 30 o'clock this aiterooon at tbe Ccu iral M. E.

cburcb, where tne itev. v. E. Murray will officiate. Tbe loss of the lady is felt, not only by her hus band aod two children, wbo have the sympathy of all acquainted withtbem, hut by tbe community in which de ceased moved.

Etrly Sunday morning Lead City was aianied ana norr.nea oy we kaowledge of the first suicide it has ever chronicled. About 8 o'clock James jrbraoe os entering the Home- slake stable, found Jobn Hincbey lying on tbe floor of tbe bed room oi ibe stable, dead; death having beeu caused by Iiinchey shooting himsell tbe bta 1, using a Coil's 44-cal it re revolver, tbe ball of which enter ed ever his right eye, tearing the topot bis head completely of, aud causing instant death. Tbe body was at once removed to tbe hospital and the coro ner telenhoned for. Hiochey has for theWvearor eo aDoarently cast al thoughts of discretion aside and tn dultced to excess in stimuleots, but wben without drink as wben with i be wis always fouud without excep tion to be a man only too ready to give even to a stranger a good time and an oDnn haud. Ia the mines he could truly have been called the tenderfoot' friend, assisting some poor, weak strip- hug with his assisting hand, or what was more welcome, a cheeriog word He came to tbe Hills in 187S from Houghton, where he had an in terest io tbe best livery stable in that vicinity, but being like many others, loo free with bis money, he lost what ue possessed and cime to city wheie he became an employee of the Old Abe Mining company.

From tbe employ ot tbe company, he engaged as teamster for Thomas James, and oo leaving Mr. James, he went to work for tbe llomeslake Co, where he has been ever since. No cause for the rasb and insane act can be attributed. few days ago he received a letter from his brother, desiring him to com home. Since receipt of the letter his been very melancholy.

About o'clock bunday morning, he asked hotel proprietor for a drink, which was given him with advice to let up for time. Iiiuchey stated it would be Inst drink, and departed for the stable Deceased was about thiity-five years ol age and bis only fault was not having a portion of conservatsim In his nature Tbis sad kff iir is tbe first suicide in Ltal's history, although an attempt was made some time ag Tbe luoeia took place yesterday at 8 o'clock the coi oner's icquest a ti tle was pro tiutd on which was written "Ask no questions, 1 bare lived long enough, and bad my ow i tronnies. Jobs Hinchby." knights of pythias ball. General Custer Lodge, No. 4, Central City, will mve a grand aon la I on February 19 and special efforts will be marie to make tbis Ibe most enjoyable affair of the season.

W. F. Gakdser, J. W. McDonald, James A.

Mills, 1-30-tf Executive Cummittee. Disease, propensity and passion brings mankind unmberless ailments: loremst arming them are nervousness, nervous di bili ty aod unnatural weakness of generative organs. Allen's Brain Food successfully overcomes these troubles and restores tbe ufferer to his lorner vigor. If Al druegisu, or by mail from J. H.

Allen, 315 First Avenue, New York City. end daw Tbe department of agriculture values the cattle in the United States at 11,107,000,000. 9 REMNANTS! REMNANTS OF VELVETEEN, REMNANTS OF FLANNEL, REMNANTS OF HOSIERY, REMNANTS OF GLOVES REMNANTS OF TOWELS, REMNANTS OF CRASH, Remnants Oil Cloths, Curtairs, Blankets A Comforters. Hauing greatly reduced the prices of-thee goods they are the Greatest Bargains ever offered, and it will pay tnt a. 1 1 A VIA Line into the Hi W.

rilM'SON, General HKKRMAN IB Dally mans --Wlna wcr. Barm Ther. ttumi Wax 8 of dity vl lt'r ji T7T TT5i Eioi'd) i- 9 SO .306 -8 T4.S 11 Cler 10.... 8.S It 0 8 IE Ch-a- HI 0i 4.S 76.7 12 -'air 40 117 4.1 7 7 NK Fair .10 19.8 10 4W 14. (ft, 14.

81 7 8 OveH Triiiiliiliiii Ii R'y to Pierre. THROUCH RATES ON FREIGHT As Low as any linqneni. i Th hill has rvaaaed." aava the letter. I I general fund, but it does not take effect until July 15. Tbe bill as originally framed waa to take effect immediately, but Martin moved to.nnod by it operative July 18, consiquenuy iw- rence county will cei no ueueui uvu i for one year." As will be aeen in a telegram In an other column, tha bill was (urther amended to include all floes, penalties, etc The letter, referring to McCall's bill, atatea tbat ita chances in the house are small, but if bv accident, trade or bribery, it should pass the house, cer tain death awaits it in tbe council.

McCall is the butt of ridicule for tbe enure legislature, his greatly inflated cranium, and pencbaot for shooting off I bis mouth on every occasion, having gained for him the soubriquet ol Hie advocacy or a measure invariably inaurea iu defeat He endeavors to coerce others of the Bills delegation with IhreaU of a bullion tax bill, but such has little terror for his colleagues inasmuch as they readily understand that should such measure be Introduced 'twould be merely for the purpose of bleeding cer tain corporations tor bis benefit, i LKWlatLATl VK. Bismarck. Feb. 12 In council Nicholas by request Introduced a mem orlal askiog congress to compel tbe northern Pacific to take patents for land, in order to.bring them on the lists for tsxation. Mr.

Day' bill providing tor the or. ganisstlon of boards of county commission era on tbe lownsbip plan was discussed at length, and finally recommitted. According to the provisions of tbe bill, the county board will cooaistof the chairman of township boards of supervisors and the chairman ot village boards, in the case ot cities the senior alderman being a member. Tbe bill will probably psas with some modifications. Io the house a bill waa introduced by Gregg to incorporate the city of Bpearflah, which waa accompanied by a strong petition.

Mart n's bill reducing exemptions from tl.600 to S750. amended by tbe committee to 1 1,000. was under dis- aaa Ion. It does not affect tbe abso lute enwaptioos provided by law. nor Iter, exemptions in which farmers are moat interested, which may be chosen in lieu of exemption of $1,000, but does redact ooe-third the opportu nity tHered dishonest merchants to defraud creditors, and is regarded a fit For further information enquire of Wm.

L. Davis, agent, Deadwood. FRED. T. EVANS, Manager, 8ioux City.

lows. THE MEDORA ROUTE. Uigheet Burom. r.S i LowM Biuom 4D 81. Maximum emp.

ittO. fctuimumTemp. IS O. Below zero. "Bosch on Corns Ask for Wells' "Rough on Corns.

15c. Quick, complete cure. Hard soft corns, warm, bunions. 6 27daw A. Card fo all who art rr.tTerlng from the errors and ol room, nervous weakness.

fUrav. loam of miinhood. I will fen a reotpe thai will cure youl FREE OF CHARGE This great remedy wa discovered by a mi in South America, (tend a self ad- lroaed envelope to the Rev.Joaeph T. Inmao, The Saprrsae Beach. Atlanta, Sept.

23, 1884. From experience I thiuk b. s. 8. a very valuable remedy for cutaneous ditea er, ana ai.

thd same time an invigorating tonic. Jaii JaiKsox, Ch'ef Juitice ofGa. A 91 AfciED BAPTIST J1IXISTEH. Two More Isaportaat Cases. Tour agent In Columbus, a few day age, and ling tbe venerab brother 1.

H. Campbell, we as ed blm tor ibe news, din plr aa, "I Davd two more important i-urea necied ny bwiri's bpecifl tj Tnia veneiable man 1s anown ar and wide tor nla nnremittin larto 11 love in 'he behalf of the poor 01 Columbus. It will be remembered bat tbe riwift Specific Co. bae donated quite an amount 01 their famoue medicine 10 be dlatrt anted by Mr. Campbell among the poor of iha c.ty; hence hia ara.

Heeaid: "1 bave Jusiaceo a lady who baa been greatly ana yed bv a Tetter tn one of her hands. It a given her much troub and pain. Sue said ihe bad beea tre ited by several physi-ciansduriug toe past three or four yea's nh the old remedies, bat without giving any --tief. Iauggested kaifi's Spec id and she tojk fou ooitlea and la now apparently perfectly well Her hand 1- perl ctly smooth and not a single sign of the di-ea-u Iwft. It i maivellous how tola m'dlclne ranovate ihe system." What tha other ease?" "Well, at was a lacy also.

She had been affected with the eczema lor fou- yearn Her face, bands and arms, as well as ber body, wa covered overwi.h sores and scabs. Ii was one of tbe worst cases ol la terrib aeas that I have -r seen. The suffering of tbe poor creature waa beyond expreasion. She tried era remedy at command, iiicltd-lng mercuiy an 1 Iodine of potah hut she only grew worse She wa in this condition wben I first saw the cane I soon had ber taking Swift's H(clflc, and abe has now only taken two bjitles, but every ma-k of the disease baa moat entirely disappears Her etrenglh and general hea'ib bave grea'ly in-proved. Itt one if the most remarkable cures that has come nndr my observation "Mr.

Campbell, yon have had a long and varied experlei cr In minglhg with men, a- observiug thef afflicuou. and tbe remejle-u-ed what la vur oplnloa aa to menu or Swift's Snecine!" la a ministry of sixty year I have mingled with evrrv clas of socle and have observed elosely variety of d.eae whii afflict humanity. Blood diseases are the moat tfficoli to remove. It ia my de.lher te judgment tht Swifi'a fpeclilo Istreg nd-eat ood parller eve' dia over Th re la nothlna eomparab'e to It Tbere la nothing good to aav about fwirt's Sp cilc." Tr attea oa ooj and skin Di eaae mailed free. TH8 SWIFT 8PKCIin COa AUaata, fia.

Kew Passenger and Freight Line, leflroa Slap ani Forwarding Cl In connection with the Northern Pacific Railroad. Comfortable Concord Coaches I Smoth and Level Boail ONLY 8 HOURS STAGING. Purchase Tickets to all points North, East and West at the office, Deadwood JOHN ASTOIT, Agent. MARQUIS DE MORES, President. JOHN FARLEY.

JOHN FARLEY Deaers in Farm Machinery. THE CELEBRATED 8CHUTTLER WAGON. Carriages, Spring Wagons and Cutters, Corn Shelters, Feed Cutters, haning Mills. Canton Plows, Flour, Fd and Grain. John Farley companion to the family expense bill which passed tbe house last week.

Tbe niscuisloa did not develop the etreegib ot tha measure, but strong men are suppcrtlog and presenting strong arguments la Its behalf, and it may pass. Tbe house bill which provides for the payment into the county general tuna of liquor licenses wss amended io council and passed tbat body. The fallowing are the amendments: Strike cut Sec-1 an 4 amend S-c so aa to lead as tallows All floes, forfeitures nod pecuniary penalities prescribed as a punishment for crime and collected bJer the general laws of ibe territory; acd all money paid Into the county treasury for license to aell iotoxica'ior. itquirs in the various counties shall he placed ia and become part of ibe grneral county fund. Oot.

Pierce will probably veto tbe Deadwood, Speirfish, Stupis, Rapid Citv and Hot SpW.

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