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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 6

The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • 6

Deadwood, South Dakota
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY riONECn-TlMES, TMU ItSPAY. OCTODEU IMS. Wfff fc 'IK Jack Camtldy wa down yesterday MMHUIIIIIHI 1 from ItiiiKiil Ton. where be luis a kup? aitd dtiing sumo work on sever LEAD PIONEER-TIMES. This Week We Will Show 1 ttl mining claims.

1'art of the grouud be Las belongs to Frank Peck of (bit city. He baa done a large amount of 1898. AD, S. 0. OCTOBER 6.

work upon It In places, and li hopeful that be may be able to make some thing out of it yet I' It. J. KUpatrlck of Ragged Top, was down ycktcrday forenoon, and stayed a In A FAMILY OAIMIERINO. W. A.

Drady of k4ood. was Lead yftitertltty afternoon. Twumbly returned home to Utd ymtcrday after a trip tbrouKb Nox7 Dress Goods. New Millinery, New Cloaks and Jackets, New Clothing, Wyoming. A girl was the arrival at the home of John and Mrs.

Ilaapa of Lead yes itrday afternoon. U1- Judge Looinls Cull went down to few hours on butloeas. lis says that he hope soon to have all necenary arrangements for tho sinking of the Duty ihnft to the supposed ore level, and when tho work la once started It will be ptifchvd to completion as rapidly as ohible. He says tbe Ragged Top and Anna rrwk country Is now fairly alive with wild game of every description. Another dancing club haa been or-sanded in Lead, known as tho "Elite Club" and Is composed of about twenty-five members, all over twenty years of age.

It met for the first time Tuesday night and tbe following officers were elected: S. E. Crons, president; Custer on bunlnexs loot evening aud will return home today, llert Itatcltrr. of the HumRtike foun- New Carpetf Jry, has been placed In rlnirjjo of tbe And entire new lines all over the house. 1' George Beers, vice-president, and Frank Holgate, secretary and treasurer.

Tbe club starts out with the s' cream of society people of tbe city as charter members, and we predict that It will be one of the leaders In soslety events of the romlng winter. nr. uu new foundry rweully rwtel by the Klldonlan peoplo at I'luma. Leave your meaxure with tia for a ult or overcoat We guarantee a per fcet lit CLAKK A LYON. Remember tbe name.

8-8tf Hon Trewtck has Joined himself to the state school of mines at Rapid, ind will take a thorough course In chemistry and practical atisaylng. Misses Hemple invites the ladles of Lead to call and examine her stock ol new and up-to-date millinery. At Oscar Silver's, Mill ntreet. 10-C-Sf Mrs. llarron, wife of the government geologist, and Miss Jennie I'arfrey took a trip' down io Sylvan lake Suu-day.

Andy Traut, the plumber, has Just finished entirely refltlng the bouse of Jaes Roney with beating water appli The members of the Lead City Chi tor nese mission of the Baptist church have Just received a handsome ten-foot banner made by their countrymen In San Francisco, and of the very finest Complete Assortment, All New and Blight, Correct Styles, Best duality, Lowest P-ices. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. COME AND SEE US. ,1 um" ChlneHe silk, decorated with handsome Jeweled ornaments, and having on it 4 ou Fourcte-. worked In silk a verse from the bible In Chinese characters.

The boys of the school make this a present to the Krt Suadfcy- church as a thanks offering. Tbe school ances. now has about 15 regular pupils, all of them being very bright and showing Mr. Graham of the firm of Houghton BIG BRICK STORE a willingness to learn that is astonishing. Miss McCleary has charge of the Tuesday evenlDi th family la Lead kaown tne DlcklQioo.

galbe red i thi borne of Dr. D. K. Die klaxon. aaU 1 tendered Ibe mother of tbem til.

Mr Laura a eurprUe party In bonor ol bar aarentletb birthday. At jut all relative, ware pr want, and valet vaa tbe order of foe evening, at which the venerable lady proved abe bad KMt none of ber ekllV aba carrying oft tbe honor. All retMmbered ber vita aome ttkea In boaor of tbe day, sad to ay it aa a happy gathering ta putting It very mild. We Join with their boat of frlenda la wishing thai tbi aateemed lady may lire to take part ta many other web, oecaelona. aMavaaaawaaai TRUE REPUBLICAN RIKO.

In Tuesday evening's Call appeared aa article commenting upon an article relative to aa announcement that Hon. Tboa.C. Harvey woald tbia year take tbe stump la tbe Internet of the republican party, from which we quote the following: "Aa Mr. flamy baa been a life-long democrat aad a firm believer la democratic doctrines. It la very likely that gentleman will refuat to take the atump for the party he baa opposed for many year, renounce hla own con-TlcUona, aad asalst In aecurlng rotes for a party, known by himself to be aa worthy the eonftdenee of tbe peo-tfs." Now, in answer to the above, and in support of our previous statement, we publish the following handed to the reporter by Mr.

Harvey himself: Lead, Oct 1898. Editor Lead Erenlng Call: My attention la called to an article la yesterday's Evening Call referring to aa Invitation extended me by tbe statev republican central committee, to assist the republican party in tbe present political campaign. While your article Is respectful in language your statementa are unauthorised, and some of them inoorreat I am not a "democratic lawyer," I am a republican, and endorse overy principle of that grand party, and for its success erery honest effort of mine will be because I have believed for many years that It was, and Is, the progress, of Intelligence, of to ths republic, and of human liberty, in this, and every land. Very respectfully, THOMAS 8. HARVEY.

ttodak supplies at Dickinson's; Cat- ct3BCW arteaa. Lead City. f-25tf BoraA bob to the wife of 0. Petti-crew, early yesterday morning. Jones, the old wheel horse of ctaa.

Call, Is now doing local work on the same paper. Lost-Saturday evening In Lead City, eoaearUna 1b a ease. Finder will re eatve reward by leaving same with Abe Flak. io-5-t Henry tfonfcetm glTes 11 per eent. Graham, commission merchants was among their Lead customers for a few school and the boys fairly worship ber.

hours yesterday. Mrs. J. V. Parker has organized a class in "Delsarte" among the young CONCERT PROGRAM.

Following is the program that will whose County of has tll! be rendered in the city ball Friday night, at the promenade concert to be ladles of Lead and they had their rst meeting Tuesday evening. eeeeeeee I patent If given for Miss Myrtle Grlmsbaw's One of Pat McHugh's delivery teams Has Just Received a nice Linei How -J goM A tcct ru overy an this morning broke loose from Its R. SMITH 1. Selection Early Brothers Mando mooring and made a flying trip down Main Btreet. No damage.

iW ground lin Club. 2. Tableaux "The Invisible Choir." J. L. Marsouz went down to Dead- Tableaux "Study in Scarlet." Wt 01 drposl if disco ly Iron RUGS, TABLE COVERS, ART SQUARES, ETC.

wood this morning and took charge of the remains of Mrs. Tom Gannon who 4. Song "Flower Song" Faust Miss Grimshaw. Jkrt grouv died at the Sisters' hospital last Witb the Pictures ot Dewey and Sampson, the Maine andothe: 5. Tableaux "The Lifted Veil." ftet ot i lineral dti 6.

Tableaux "Uncle Sam and His National Pictures Which He is Selling Cheap. Hit: VM Adopted Children." of disci bwly fro 7. Song Selection Mr. Flinterman. 8.

Piano Forte Duett "Qui Vive." Untar In. We or Mrs. Helen Sachs and Miss Bessie Stewart silver. t( jrlj from btof sou hw with 9. Tableaux "The L'ttle Minister." 10.

Tableaux "Vanity Fair." 11. Song Selection Mrs. Remer. 12. Tableaux (a.) "Seven." i (b.) "Seventeen." (c.) "Seventy." 13.

Vocal Duett Selection Peterson and Trevaskis. 14. Tableaux "Reveries of a Bachelor" 15. Tableaux "Unt'er Two 16. Songs ((a.) Tosti bid, eac kie Minim of So teld no bilious at p-wit: WHITE ingle lode, sited St iirs S.

I Hence 121.58 Kuth ttienc rn to i vi n. liortH to I So. Iwraer I ttlniif CON I lortbi Ko.1 I Mom T1U! tonii (b.) "Villanelle" Del Acqua (c.) "Whistle and 111 Come to You, My Lad." Hopekirk Miss Grimshaw. Dancing to tbe music of tbe Early John Williamson, who has been in the employ of S. R.

Smith for some time past has resigned and will now be found with Sam Schwartzwald of Deadwood. BICYCLE SUNDRIES Lamps, Tool Kits, Oils, BellaTea Clips, Parcel Carriers, Locks, Etc. All parts in the machine replaced, at Dickinson Moore's Lead. 6-16-tf The ladies of the Belt are respectfully Invited to attend our opening display of Millinery, Cloaks, Furs and Suits, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, this week. Henry Monheim.

10-6-3t C. F. Harrison, representing Armor Omaha, was a caller In Lead yesterday among the merchants. He carries with him a fine lot of goods and took a number of nice orders. Steve Cornwell, known to the upper gulch people as the driver of W.

E. AdamB' wagon for that department, is oft on a vacation. His position is being temporarily filled by Gus Stillwell, one of the best delivery and grocery clergs in the west We transpose the "effusion" of tast evening's Tribune into the following which we think better explains the feelings of the Lead people: "The melancholy days have come, The saddest of the year," A little too warm for whisky, A little too cold for beer. Henry. Monheim and bis force of clerks are hard at work fixing Also Has a Complete Stock of Carpets and Draperies.

discount on all trimmed millinery du- Brothers Mandolin club after the S. R. SMITH. MAIN STREET, LEAD, S. D.

ring opening days. L. P. Jenkins 1 10-6-3 already com Tickets on sale at Flshel's Bazaar. TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE KNIGHTS THE BIG BRIO menced reoetYlng a handsome line of gaoda be aaed for the holiday trada tetVdfaw.

commenced fteeUqr the heavy steel siding on the aalldlag bo be occupied as the Star For Fin TEMPLAR. Pittsburg, Oct. 10-14. For this occasion the Elkhorn Line will sell round trip tickets to Pittsburg at one fare for the round trip, H. C.

JENSEN, Of Lmb, aatOpMMda TOBACCO FACTORY, la eoanacttoa with hit Gfcstr laetory, aad It ible to fopplr all parttM with ate oUao etaai Beoarlinsiii Si ruUllue ol ereiyiblnK oonntaaUj oo BILL BTKEET. at 11:10 a. the with a limit until October 31. Call at the passenger station for all sls-awaths-old soa of Mr. and Mrs.

A Heard, raaenl will take place 8at- crtay. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, Call on BARNEY FRANKLIN, Cestral, 2ooth Dakota. Ippla4. Kail orlr oroiasKif aiilad. ANTHONY TROW Plumber and Steam $16.35 OMAHA AND RETURN $16.35 t.

Cars, Lead Cj re- VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE. On next Monday and Tuesday, Oct Office In Campbell House 10 and 11, the B. M. R. R.

will sell up and preparing for their fall opening which commences tomorrow. The store presents a very attractive appearance Tickets for th Calico Ball to be air- IX KOSBNKEANZ, Family Liquor House Beet Cigars, Wines and Llqiora tot tickets at the very low rate of $16.35 account of the Peace Jubilee. This will ea by the ladies of Christ church on from basement to the top story and is filled with seasonable and attractive the Slat are reported ta be selling east, aad the ladies already feel assured of be your only chance to see President McKlnley, as he Is to be In Omaha for goods. large crowd ACETYLENE GA? Cheaper than Kerosene or Electricity. Light at Glickauf Barber Shop.

Family use, a Specialty. Central City Sonta Dakota that occasion. As the days are growing much shorter It Is by far the best to take the 3 o'clock Burlington train which arrives in Omaha much earlier Mil sj in i than any other route and long before dark. Through cars and no chances. The woman who has a heavy 17e Are How Settled task before her dishes to wash or a floor to scrub One Minute Cough Cure, cure.

That what It was mad lor. estimates iurnisnea lor uvveiiin -Halls or villages. General Agents for Generators. 0 has a friend In our new quarters In the Brettell Block, and handle the beat Una of STEWART FLOWER, Deadwooa. in this great cleaner BLACK HILLS Analytical Laboratory and Assay Office School Sips THE GILLMORE CARL BLANK, Prop.

Harmless, yet efficient CHAS. H. THOLE, Successor to Henry SchnltxeL P. O. Box tK.

taoipMs ar bailloo by mall or nprM tUI riirfT prompt attwitloa. so little the mite is Corner City Creek and Williams Streets- to be found In Lead City. Hlght grade CHOCOLATES High grade Chocolates are a specialty, and Ball orders for same will reset ve prompt attention. Tours for trade, C30CK 6 ALSIP cever missed. FWRSAMR COMPANY, ikn rit rfnaiad or th bmt adapted xne onest ana neatest sample aorniB -ji tMtlor ha Klactro Oruid prooam C.

a Tatm Ma. tMjm. irayeung pa duo are invitea 10 give mo ubv otkahirHl.

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